Build Production-Ready Kubernetes Cluster with One-Stop Solution.

Enable businesses to automate the complete production-grade Kubernetes infrastructure, simplifying deployment, management, and usage with an out-of-the-box experience.

Easy to Use. Provide easy access to production-ready Kubernetes and improve the efficiency of cluster and applications.
Production Ready. Support core container applications with production-ready infrastructure.
Multi-Environment Compatibility. Deploy clusters on multiple infrastructure to meet diverse demands for resource and performance.
No Vendor Lock-in. Flexibly choose CNCF software. Support AArch64 and x86_64 CPU.
Easy-to-Use Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle Management
Graphical Container Application Management
Automatic Installation and Graphical Configuration of Cloud-Native Software
Pre-integrated High-Performance Storage and Network Security
Enhanced Reliability, Availability, and Self-Healing with Hypervisor Capabilities
Build Kubernetes on Multiple Computing Resources
Compatible with Cloud-Native Ecosystem
Use Cases
  • Quickly Create and Manage Kubernetes Clusters Based on VM
  • Support Virtualized and Containerized Apps with Limited Hardware Resources
  • Provide Kubernetes Clusters for Multi-Tenants
Quickly Create and Manage Kubernetes Clusters Based on VM
In the SmartX native hypervisor ELF-based hyper-converged cluster, a Kubernetes cluster is built with virtual machines as nodes, and it is delivered for use through a Kubeconfig file. The Kubernetes cluster undergoes automated and standardized lifecycle management, including automatic scaling, replacement of failed nodes, and upgrades/rollbacks.